Cowboy Poems Free
Cowboy Poems Free
Click here for lyrics

1. Texas Dust (5:16)
2. Poem #1 (1:33)
3. Human Lottery (5:32)
4. Gray Flannel Suits (4:47)
5. Poem #2 (0:59)
6. High As Pride (6:45)
7. American Vacation Tune (5:18)
8. Swingin' the Ax (3:15)
9. 1729 Broadway (6:01)
10. Poem #3 (1:50)
11. 67 Degrees (5:21)
12. Brittany (6:34)
13. Poem #4 (1:30)
14. Too Late For Everything (4:33)

Christopher Buzby - keyboards, backing vocals
Brett Kull - guitars, lead and backing vocals
Jordan Perlson - drums and percussion
Paul Ramsey - drums and percussion
Raymond Weston - bass, lead and backing vocals

Album Reviews

Audio Format
American Vacation Tune MP3
Brittany MP3

The Guide to Cowboy Poems Free

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