Never The Same, Take 1: Kind of uninspired, sucked, and all that.
Never The Same, Take 2: Temporary stoppages.
Never The Same, Take 3: Could be the one. It was the one.
Ok, now we go back and pick apart the songs in question. There's a little bit of tension but oh well. The songs in question are Uncle, How Long, Wormwood and Audio Verite.
1. Wormwood: We did Wormwood 2 and a half times and out of these 2 choices we'll have a keeper.
2. How Long: We played another 3 times. Each time was played to perfection but Glenn still thinks the tempo is an issue. #4 wasn't, no it wasn't. #5 wasn't.
3. Uncle: Alot of down time in between one take is all we might need, although Mark, our assistant, was upset that I didn't say "fuck" in this take.
4. Audio Verite: One fucking take.
A beautiful day in the office. I can't wait to do my parts. I feel much better now too. My cold is almost over and done with."